
5G  implementation

In 2022, big cities will be the first to get 5G, according to the Department of Transportation.

The Department of Transportation asked TRAI for advice on the reserve price, band plan, block size, and quantum of spectrum to be auctioned in September…

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Air India

5G expansion causing airline disruptions in US, Boeing 777 aircraft gets clearance

Following a technical issue that hampered the introduction of 5G services in the country, Air India resumed flying operations on Boeing 777 aircraft…

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IIT Madras

Next-Gen Mobile network to be added as online course in IIT Madras

Megam Solutions and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras Pravartak Technologies Foundation are offering a six-month online certification…

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5G infrastructure rollout

By first half of 2022, India will have accelerated 5G rollout

By the first half of 2022, India will see the start of an accelerated 5G infrastructure rollout in both urban & rural areas, according to Dell Technologies…

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Unleashing the Future: The Bharat 6G Alliance

  • By Anubhuti --
  • Wednesday, 05 Jul, 2023

Bharat 6G Alliance

The telecom industry is a fast-paced and ever-changing field that constantly embraces new technological…

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